

Evolution isn't working fast enough. More dumbasses need to be shot.


October 2022

Nuke it from orbit

I’ve written before about not trusting the government. I say this not only as a current and former employee of various levels of government, but also from having family members working for various levels of government. While I definitely think that the ideals of the American Experiment are worth striving for, much like the ideals of Christianity, the execution by people is often flawed. Unfortunately, sometimes the “flaws” are intentional.

Yesterday’s post was regarding the intentional misleading claims by the pharmaceutical companies and the government, promoted heavily by the legacy media. Today I am linking to an article in the Epoch Times about the intentional misleading of the public by our supposed National Security apparatus.

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In a Just World…

There would be no immunity when fraud is committed. But I have little faith in any of our governmental institutions anymore. Fraud has been too pervasive and been left unchecked for too long for me to believe that any accountability will be held for those responsible.

We were lied to about what the mRNA shots did. And the US government doesn’t seem to be able to stop lying about them even when the companies eventually do state that what was pushed at the beginning was not what the jabs actually did.

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