

Evolution isn't working fast enough. More dumbasses need to be shot.


March 2020

“Community Standards Violation”

You know, this BS of pointing out bad behavior in public violating “Community Standards” on social media sites is getting old. Or pointing out behavior that would actually go against community standards that is deemed “Acceptable”. FascistBook is the most egregious abuser of this. I hear Twitter is just as bad, but that’s a service I don’t use so don’t know first hand. I once reported an image of a girl sucking a guy’s dick to FB and was told it didn’t violate their standards. Dafuque?????? Actual porn is OK? But posting that Eric Ciaramella is the likely “whistleblower” for the Trump Shampeachment, as reported by news outlets across the country, and even by Schiff himself. Oy vey!


Anyway, what prompted this post was an email I got when I logged into my yahoo account this morning from the Nextdoor Team regarding a comment I made on a post of someone driving around a neighborhood taking pictures of kids: Continue reading ““Community Standards Violation””

Surviving the Wu-Flu

Oh. My. Gosh! We’re all going to die!

Well maybe not. Over on Watts Up With That is a reflection on the closest thing we have to clinical lab experiment with Covid-19 (or whatever you want to call it today, seems like it changes hourly) that would indicate that things maybe aren’t quite as dire as the mainstream media tells us. If you’re in a risk group, things could be bad. Everyone else should be fine.

not what I said 1

That doesn’t mean don’t take precautions. Great Googily-Moogily, people that are otherwise intelligent are losing their minds and twisting peoples’ words so they can continue their freak out. Yes, more positive tests are going to be showing up. It’s going to be exponential in growth as ever more people are tested. In ND, we jumped from 1 positive test to 5 overnight, right now it’s up to 6. But, take a closer look at the number of actual tests. 268 tests and only 6 positive cases. Even Jayne Cobb can do the math here.

Jaynes math

It’s not quite that bad. But 6 divided by 268 potential cases is…2.2%

Huh, that seems awfully low for such a wild response.

People are panic buying TP. Schools and businesses are closing. A bunch of these small businesses may never recover.

That’s where my concern lies right now. We are going to kill our economy over this and it’s going to hurt even more people than the virus would have.

On a personal note, I finished reading Nick Cole’s CNTRL ALT Revolt! It was OUTSTANDING! Best book I’ve read in awhile. The action was exhilarating, both in the game world and the ‘real’ world. The snarky jabs at SJWs and Cancel Culture were hilarious. I asked Mr. Cole about whether those jabs were always in there, or if he had re-edited it after his publisher had dropped him. He said “…it got about 25% more bitter.” It turned out awesome. If you’re wondering about the backstory of his being dropped by his publisher, you can see it here on his blog. If you get a chance, check out one of his books. He’s a pretty talented and entertaining writer.

For my next book I decided to pick something by John Ringo. Because, John Ringo can also write an exhilarating story. Heck, if he, Sarah Hoyt or Larry Correia were to publish their shopping lists I’d buy them. They can make anything into a page turner.

But, back to the book I chose The Last Centurion. I think I may have possibly made a mistake. 20 pages in he’s describing the major catastrophes of 2019 being 1) the sun putting out less energy so we end up with a cold spell and 2) an outbreak of H5N1 bird flu. Because, why not? Oh well, at least I’ll be entertained as we all die.

My recommendations? Don’t panic, grab a good book and a towel. Someone check to see if the dolphins have left.

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